Donnerstag, September 07, 2006

We all dream of a team of Gary Breens!!!!

As usual the alarms went off early, far to early.... Once again we managed to miss this stage we have yet to make breakfast in any hostel to date! Awoken from our slumber (of a few short hours) the itinerary for the day, pre match, was outlined!! First destination - the Mercedes Benz Museum located directly opposite the the stadium for tonight´s match. Museum might suggest a location in which an accurate reflection of the history of the subject is portrayed!! Yet, this "museum" seemed to have a rather peculiar view of history. In fact one could not be blamed for thinking that the experts behind this "museum" had taken a night class in rewriting history It accredited the Merc with everything from bringing down the Berlin Wall to ending communism, to transporting the Pope and assisting the police. Whilst, it mentioned bringing down the Berlin Wall it failed to mention why the wall was built in the first place. It had a detailed timeline of world events on the walls of the "museum" yet the timeline from 1933 until 1949 could only be described as sketchy at best. It´s one reference to "Adolf" included a comment about him being from Austria as opposed to Germany! The air of denial and the Basil Fawlty reference of not mentioning the war could be seen by a visually impaired man!!

Nonetheless, the place was really impressive, very well laid out and included a motor racing simulator - best "museum" ever!!

After the museum came lunch in the VBG Stuttgart training ground with the stadium in our view as well as being able to hear the German "Garda" band in the background warming up for the spectacle that awaited us tonight. We even heard them rehearsing "Amhran na bFiann"! Lunch was good but not quite as good as the look on Stephen´s face when his food arrived. Our trainee German teacher and unofficial trip translator "ordered" a bowl of vegetable soup in his best German (!) only to receive a platter of salad!

Back in the German "Stephen´s Green" we enjoyed the company of our compatriots and indeed the German fans who started appearing out of the woodwork! Though, the comment by one Spanish man asking "Where are all the German fans?" gives you some idea at the presence and atmosphere created by Jackie´s Army with their favourite chant "We all dream of a team of Gary Breens!"

On leaving "Stephen`s Green" Rob and Stephen headed back to the hostel to await the arrival of Stephen´s luggage while Michael and Simon headed out to the ground. The tram journeys were incredible, the Irish sung their hearts out and were joined in by most of the Germans. Despite the tram nearly rolling over we eventually reached the `Damlier Crysler Stadt`.

Once we finally got past the security and their many body searchs outside the ground we fought our way to our seats and, my god the atmosphere was incredible! We sang from start to finish but despite all our best efforts, you know how it ends......

Shattered, tired, emotional and grumpy( well that was just Rob) we headed back to the city centre meeting Stephen´s friend, Flynner enroute. Ironically now that the match was over Stephen´s luggage complete with a brand new Irish soccer jersey finally arrived. We stayed out till the early hours, disheartened nonetheless. Once again, bumping into this blog´s favourite girls -Baldilocks and Variety and two Austrian´s, Mario and Luigi and a host of others - full stories to be told in time.....

All that was left to do was head back to the hostel and dream of a team of Gary Breens...........

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